0.19 update

Version 0.19 is available!

This was supposed to be a corrective version, but it turned into a full version due to the new features involved (especially on trade and buildings):

  • Karma management: < -0.75: public chat disabled, it goes up if negative (0.01 per minute) on a scale of -1 to 1
  • Less chance of recovering an item by pickpocketing
  • Script: quests can trigger group effects (teleport, adding an item or changing the quest step, etc.)
  • Issue: skinning the birbaque no longer worked
  • Spawn points were not reloading on the server, after the species disappeared
  • Containers could not be filled
  • Trade: available quantity visible in the traders’ stock
  • Dripal causes bites and sometimes bleeding
  • Better EXP management
  • Dripal <-> player balancing
  • Script: ability to manage spawn points for scriptwriters
  • Trade possible on buildings (purchase by players, you canalso set the sale price)
  • deposit and withdrawal of money from the building
  • more realistic fishing waiting time
  • better display of NPC-related actions
[Total : 0    Moyenne : 0/5]

Robin Ruaux

Développeur web depuis plus de 10 ans, je suis passionné par la création de jeux vidéos. J'utilise ainsi Unity3D pour mettre en place des améliorations au sein du jeu Akhiris Online.

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