(Français) Mise à jour 0.17

We are very proud to present this new version of the game!

Because here is what awaits you:

  • added fishing activity!
  • increased number of creatures per game area
  • fixed scrolling that was sometimes disabled
  • engine: fixed collision tests with the interface
  • you can use pickpocketing to steal money, or an item, the amount of money that can be stolen obviously depends on the skill level but also on the mental strength of both parties. The user’s karma is modified accordingly.
  • added discounts on items by merchant, and added a sales bonus to the NPC on certain items.
  • updated minimaps of all areas
  • fixed a bug that prevented characters with a lot of data from loading on clients
  • better display of NPC actions and fixed the display of player actions
  • construction plans are now stored in quest objects filter in inventory
  • windows can now be closed by pressing Esc
  • herbalism: you can now pick bramettes

As always, don’t hesitate to fill the beta tester form once in the game!

[Total : 0    Moyenne : 0/5]

Robin Ruaux

Développeur web depuis plus de 10 ans, je suis passionné par la création de jeux vidéos. J'utilise ainsi Unity3D pour mettre en place des améliorations au sein du jeu Akhiris Online.

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