AI image generation: production 2023: version 0.12

We are helped by AI image generation: production 2023: version 0.12

The Ai image generation  helps us in our activitiesp: production 2023 is relaunched for the game Akhiris-Online. As a reminder, it is a real-time game with chapters and certain areas conducive to confrontations of different types.

In other words, on the 0.12 :

The programming included important game concepts on:

  • faster backup, and improved fluidity,
  • the installation of residential camps: stock, inventory, haggling,
  • windows are adjusted: the passage of death is linked to the change of state of karma,
  • use and repair of numerous entities,

The level design has retained its state :

  • Indeed, the meeting made it possible to decide the skills that players will obtain in certain areas of South Akhiria

Illustration resources are increased by the use of tool apps :

  • First, the generation of images by AI of NPC portraits with: LimeWireStudio (BlueWillow engine), and Microsoft ImageCreator: – from the South Akhiria zone – and NPCs from other countries.
  • Second, the resumption of the creation of the animated chupkaur monster on GraphicsGale
  • Then, some trade tools and animated combat weapons
  • Finally, the players: “Zephyrine”, Cinistro” help us find vocabulary for automatic generation: thanks to them!

The scénario:

As a reminder, the writing of the dialogues and the tangle of them is done on software developed with the Symfony library.

Indeed, the software edition makes it possible to link the narrative situations of very specific characters.

  • testing the scenario editor on third-party features does not affect the primary principle of character dialogue file writing (this one is “self-independent”),
  • the choice falls on Docker for the continuation of its container platform development,


We get back to work: The project receives a direct boost, through involvement in programming linked to fluidity and in-depth concepts via Unity, on AI design by Microsoft’s image creator, and in graphics and software such as AESprite. Although the scenario struggles to come to the attention of the player through the level design, the moderate efforts on all the activities suggest that it will soon be easy to overcome the milestone.


Accordingly, here are some examples with LimeWireStudio , of ekhrans and humains :

Marchand d'Akhiris

Batisseur d'Akhirs  Pecheur d'Akhiris

Combatante d'Akhiris Marchand d'Akhiris

Batisseur d'Akhirs Combatante d'Akhiris

,and a téhélianne:

Téhélianne d'Akhiris

then with Image Creator, of ekhrans :

Ehkran d'Akhiris

Ehkran d'Akhiris  Ekrans combattante d'Akhiris

Ehkran d'Akhiris Ehkran d'Akhiris

Ehkran d'Akhiris Ehkran d'Akhiris

Ehkran d'AkhirisEkhran d'Akhiris

then somes téhèlians :

Tehelian d'Akhiris0 Tehelian d'Akhiris

Tehelian d'Akhiris Tehelian d'Akhiris

Tehelian d'Akhiris Tehelian d'Akhiris

So, we get better results for the style we are looking for with the Microsoft ImageCreator engine.

Also, currently we use this tool for the design of the magic and energy forms of the game.


[Total : 1    Moyenne : 5/5]


Pixel Artiste, VFX Unity, développement du background: le scénario. Je m'active a faire perdurer ce projet en ciblant les tâches de pixel artiste et en précisant leurs modalités. Je développe aussi pour permettre au scénario d'avancer et de permettre au jeu d'avoir une évolution réguliére.

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